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The Mountagnards Y=D
Blessed be the ties that bind


(Y= Mountagnards)(D = Danger)                                       (AM = Americans)(ARVN = Army of the Republic of Vietnam)

​Y= D  (-AM,ARVN) danger we faced. In 1967, I rated our level of danger we faced by the number of yard soldiers and scouts we saw embedded with American or ARVN combat units.

I was glad to hear some of our dearest allies were resettled at Greensboro, USA.

The discrimination and treatment of the Yards along the western border areas
was tragic. It was much like the feelings I had, when I was stationed in Alabama
in 1967 and 1969.

A Special Thanks To: Gunslinger James Minish 

for all his hard work with the Mountagnard Relocation Program to the USA.


The year I spent in Nam took me to almost every Fire Base and Base Camp in the Central Highlands.  We flew or drove into camps and bases from Ben Het and Dak Suk in the North West to Ban me Thuet in the South to  Na Trang and Anh Kahe to the east.

The new LOH-6 and their faulty metal sensors, chopper recovery and recovery preparation in all those areas they said were cleared, kept us pretty busy. The overnight stays at some base camps.  S-2 missions XXX. Pickups and deliveries, evacuations and my least favorite but most necessary Graves Registration.


Blessed be the ties that bind

Mountagard children (1967)

Mountagard children aside OH23-G (1967)

OH23-G (1967)


​The Tet Offensive 1968: During this period, it became apparent that we could not protect all the Mountagnard Villages throughout the Highlands. It became necessary

to evacuate the small isolated villages and move the Yard’s to defensible “New Towns”.
The idea seemed logical, but the devil was in the details.
Can you imagine relocating whites from the North and South? Spanish and Mexican Americans? Navajo and Mescaleros? I believe I have read Bu Ku books about this.

Well! The Army does it.

Bruce Waterman (1) & Mountagnard auxiliary (2) on sweep.  



Bruce Waterman (RVN 1967-168)

Bruce Waterman (RVN 1967-168)

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